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Top 5 things to do today to prevent child obesity

Top 5 things to do today to prevent child obesity - Anan International School

Child obesity is a problem that’s becoming all too common. According to the CDC, the prevalence of obesity in children and adolescents has nearly tripled since the 1970s. Not only is childhood obesity a major health concern in and of itself, but it also increases the risk of developing chronic health conditions such as type […]

What is holistic development? Why is it the buzzword in the education world?

What is holistic development? Why is it the buzzword in the education world?

You may have heard the term “holistic development” thrown around a lot lately. It’s become a buzzword in the education world, and for a good reason! Holistic development is a way of approaching education that counts the whole child rather than just their academic achievements. Keep reading to learn more about holistic development and why […]

Here’s why kids need more outdoor time

Here's why kids need more outdoor time - AISIGCSE

It’s no secret that kids today spend more time indoors than ever before. With screens dominating so many aspects of their lives, it’s no wonder that childhood obesity rates are on the rise. But there are plenty of reasons why kids need to spend more time outdoors, and here are just a few. Getting outside […]

A guide to helping your child overcome social anxiety

A guide to helping your child overcome social anxiety - Anan IGCSE school (1)

Understand social anxiety and its causes Social anxiety can be described as the fear of social situations involving scrutiny or judgment. It is a type of anxiety disorder that can cause significant impairment in one’s ability to function in daily life. Children with social anxiety may avoid playdates, birthday parties, and other gatherings. They may […]

5 Skills every child must develop

5 Skills every child must develop - AISIGCSE

Basic Hygiene  Good hygiene habits are important for kids to learn at an early age. Not only will it keep them healthy and smelling pleasant, but it will also set them up for success in the future. Here are a few tips for teaching your kids good hygiene habits: Lead by example – If you […]

3 big emotions to talk about with your young child

3 Big Emotions To Talk About With Your Young Child

Anger  Many people go through life never really learning how to deal with anger in a healthy way. They either stuff it down, explode in violence, or withdraw from the world altogether. As a result, they never learn how to express their anger positively or use it as a tool for problem-solving. This is why […]

10 productive things to do with your friends over the weekend

10 productive things to do with your friends over the weekend

Catch up on homework  A great way to kill two birds with one stone is to catch up on homework with your friends on the weekend. You can help each other with difficult concepts, and you’ll be able to enjoy each other’s company at the same time. Just make sure to set some ground rules, […]

Tips to help you spend more quality time with your children

Tips to help you spend more quality time with your children - AISIGCSE

Plan regular outings and activities together Spending quality time with your children is crucial for their development. By regularly planning outings and activities together, you can help them learn how to socialize, enjoy new experiences, and develop a sense of independence. Of course, it’s not always easy to find the time or the energy to […]

Here’s how to make your weekend productive

Here's how to make your weekend productive

It may be tempting to lounge on your cozy couch binge-watching or binge-gaming while munching junkies, but that’s not a smart way to spend a weekend. There are plenty of ways to make the weekend more productive while still taking time to enjoy yourself. Keep reading! Get your beauty sleep Sleep? On the weekend!? Seriously? […]

Tips on getting ready for school post-summer break

Tips on getting ready for school post-summer break - AISIGCSE

The summer break is over, and it’s time to head back to school. Among these are early mornings, evening home works, test papers, and so on. However, it doesn’t have to be all bad! There are plenty of things you can do to make the adjustment back to school life a bit easier. Here are […]